
Band of Carloses

Carlos is back! All five(?!) of him. Where was he? How did he replicate? Will he unionize?

Special thanks to dada's good friend and chief legal counsel, Gary, for the sudden surge in the Carlos demographic at our house. The BOC performed some kind of Esther Williams dance last night to celebrate their arrival. It was very moving.

And the joy in Samson's eyes this morning as he simultaneously chewed Carlos and threw Carlos while standing on Carlos, well you just can't put a price on that...


Anonymous said...

Dada: Samson sounds like a smart and empathetic guy. I wonder if he'll ever realize the new Carloses are mere imposters and that the real Carlos remains lost in the vortex.

Anonymous said...

Second photo reminds me of a song by "Magnetic Fields" called "Busby Berkeley Dreams":

"I haven't seen you in ages
But it's not as bleak as it seems
We still dance on whirling stages
In my Busby Berkeley dreams

The tears have stained all the pages
Of my 'True Romance magazines
We still dance in my outrageously beautiful
Busby Berkeley dreams"

Anonymous said...

I bet that Gary of whom you speak is a real hottie.