
Objects in motion

It's official: getting young Samson to keep still in the bath is now impossible (except for this picture, which Vicki took). He is, thanks to early swimming lessons, very comfortable in the water. Which is great. Honestly. It means he won't be that kid tenderly putting one toe into the pool. Or hovering just out of reach of the waves at the shoreline. He will, of course, be that kid in the white t-shirt, but what can you do? [A quick sidenote: those kids grow up to lead normal, well-adjusted lives, thank you very much.]

But his comfort with water also means that when he is in the tub, he's looking to do laps. Moreover, he's transferred his newfound climbing skills to the tub and is looking for handholds in between the tiles. All of which makes bathtime kind of like a cross between The Perfect Storm, Into the Void, and that scene in Mystic River where the cops try to restrain Sean Penn's character.

I wonder if Nerf makes tub overlays. That would pretty much solve everything, no?

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