
Guess Who's Bizack?

OC (original Carlos) pulled a Lazarus and reappeared. He must have hitched a ride with Samson and me when we went to Mass on Sunday morning, because I found him at the bottom of my diaper bag today.

Yes, I have my own diaper bag. If you saw the array of bags Vicki uses, you'd understand. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy quilted paisley as much as the next guy, but still...

[Full disclosure: I'm playing hooky today. Sam and I took a trip to Borders and let mama go get her hair done in peace, hence my discovery.]

I was thinking --- while packing snacks, wipes, water, etc --- that a lot of people find it a real hassle not being able to run out the door on a moment's notice. But I kind of like the idea of doing a gear check before heading out to get coffee or buy groceries. I washed out of the Boy Scouts after about 45 minutes (the Weeblo troop I was joining put a lot of emphasis on door-to-door fundraising; I was just hoping to run around in the woods and learn to dig punji pits), but I definitely internalized the whole "be prepared" thing.

Also, if the word Weeblo doesn't make you laugh, you have no soul.

In any event, OC is back, and we're glad to have him and all the Carloses. Maybe now we can get a group discount on the magazine we've mysteriously started receiving.

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