
Me versus the sippy cup

Samson likes the idea of drinking more than he actually likes drinking, so inevitably we wind up with a sippy cup only slightly less full than it started out. Which is no big deal, since I think we'd all be a little worried if he could actually drain a whole cup of milk, water, etc.

Last night, after we put young Samson to bed, I went in to clean up the after-dinner debris in, on, and around his highchair. Under his chair was the little green sippy, lying like a wounded soldier and still full of milk. Since it had been sitting out for a half hour or so, I figured I should just dump it. No deal. The lid had somehow become stuck, and of course the entire cup was slick with whatever food had been on Sam's hands while he was eating (a nice potpourri of fish, cheese, yogurt, and mango).

In any event, I washed the cup off, hoping that would provide the necessary traction. Again, no deal. So now I've got a cup full of milk that I can't open. The smart thing would have been to leave it and deal with it later (Vicki's suggestion).

Never one to do the smart thing when other options remain unexplored, I ventured on. I decided that maybe by emptying the cup it would release whatever pressure had built up around the seal of the lid [apparently now I'm an engineer].

How did I do this, you ask? I milked the cup. Let me say it again: I milked the sippy cup.

And you know what: it worked! Once I finished the milking (probably the only time I'll ever have cause to write that phrase), the lid came off pretty easily.

Laugh if you want, but if Mr. Wizard did this, you'd think it was cool.

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